16 September, 2015

Man With World's Longest Tongue Paints With His Tongue (Video)

The man with the world's longest tongue has done something great with his tongue yet again: Paint a beaver with his tongue.
Nick Stoeberl
The honor of a Guinness world record holder can be enough for a few folks, but not Stoeberl as he feels an enormous tongue is nothing if not used for the betterment of humanity.
watch video after the cut.....

"It's a gift,I need to use it." he said to HuffPost.

Nick Stoeberl, 26, presently holds the Guinness record for world’s longest tongue, a banging 3.97 inches from tip to closed lips.
Stoeberl has started using his tongue as a paint brush, creating portraits and art works by dipping his tongue in acrylic and onto canvas.
He has done various tongue paintings, however he’s proudest of his most up-to-date work: an enormous beaver.

"This painting definitely appeals to my taste," he said. "I'm fascinated by beavers."


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