12 February, 2014

Time And Season!

'There's time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens'.
This, according to the Holy Bible, has a list of different transitions of life which tell us the representations of each season and show the important matters in every stage of a man's life. Some are happy times, others sad, some are productive while others seem wasteful; some inspire peace and others bring pain but in summation, all of them are important for us to learn, grow, and evolve into better individuals.
Each experience reveals a loving divine purpose that we can always trust the nature by which God has made man. Considering that every new beginning requires an ending, each one also comes with a gift! Yes a gift, if we are open to receiving it. The cold moments of freezing due to lack of one challenge or the other, the heat moments of too much to look after and the airy moments of success, all clamp together to tell a man's life story. We must therefore learn to accept the process and go with the flow as there's always light at the very end of every tunnel. Mother Theresa once said:"yesterday is gone,tomorrow has not yet come;we have only today,let us begin".