Ever heard that you are what you
eat? As a woman, your body system and organ have been fashioned in a way that
whatever food taken matters a whole lot.
And amazingly, some of these
foods go a very long way to determine how your vagina looks, and above all, what your vagina tastes like.
Overtime, doctors have
recommended yogurts with probiotic supplements to women who suffer from severe
yeast infections, caused by candida fungus. Probiotics are live microorganisms,
often called “friendly bacteria,” that may help fight infections caused by
“bad” bacteria and boost digestive health. They are sometimes added to yogurts
and available in supplements. Although the evidence that yogurt can really
stave off yeast infections is still inconclusive but, an uncoordinated set of
studies done on small groups of women who were with varying infections, have
shown that yoghurt might be good for you after all.
As a woman who cherishes her
vagina, eating lots of sugar may make you more prone to yeast infections,
especially If you’re diabetic or pre-diabetic. Yeast infections are very
common: According to the Office on Women’s health of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, about 75% of women will get one at some point in
their lives and nearly half will get two or more.
Pregnancy, taking antibiotics, or
eating too much sugar are major potentials of yeast infection. “The idea is
that the yeast will eat off of the sugar and that’s how they’ll grow, but while
most women would need to consume a lot of sugar to make it the culprit, the bar
is lower for diabetics and pre-diabetics. “I commonly see infections in my
diabetic patients that don’t have good control over their blood sugar”, the
health department revealed.
World Health Organization has
however recommended that an adult’s daily sugar intake should not be more than
10% of your calories, which is about six teaspoons or 25 grams for most adults.
Even if blood sugar is not a problem for you, your body will thank you for
limiting your sugar consumption.
This three listed above, can give
your bladder a very irritating nature, especially if you suffer from Interstial
Cystitis, a medical term for painful bladder syndrome. Many who suffer from
this are always given a long list of bladder-irritating foods to avoid,
including foods with caffeine, alcohol, histamine, artificial sweeteners, MSG,
and nitrates.
Even if you don’t suffer from IC,
if you’re running to the bathroom more than you’re supposed to, there might be
the need to remove certain foods from your diet. Caffeine, for example, is a
well-known diuretic, meaning it makes you pee more. Chocolate, which contains
caffeine and other potentially IC-exacerbating ingredients, should also, sadly,
be avoided. Health Organizations have also recommended that anyone with an
overactive bladder should avoid artificial sweeteners like aspartame and
saccharin, which brings us to your favorite diet soda which study has shown
that it poses double threat since it
probably contains both caffeine and artificial sweeteners.
Before we go any further, note
that Vaginas can and will smell like whatever they want. They are not supposed
to smell like roses; that concept is annoying. Although there are no too much
research on how foods impact your vaginal smell, but it is related to the rest of
your particular scent. Strong smelling foods like garlic and the likes can make
your vagina smell more.
“It has not been extensively
studied, it’s been inferred from other research,” because an important
component of the odor is from sweat, foods that make your sweat more odiferous,
will likely do the same for your vag. “If you ingest foods with very strong
odors like asparagus or garlic or curry, it’s possible that that can translate
to a smell in your vaginal area,” health
experts revealed.
As for the commonly repeated myth
that inserting a garlic clove into your vagina can cure a yeast infection,
don’t listen. “In reality, inserting any foreign object in the vagina may cause
further complications or even worsen an infection. And there is no scientific
proof that garlic can cure a yeast infection, so why risk it?
Although it has not been
scientifically proven, it has been said that taking pineapples can make your
Vagina smell and taste better. We all want our vaginas to smell and taste as pleasant
as possible, but while there are some stories floating around about how to do
that, there is no real corresponding scientific research.
Dr. Lindsay has however advised
that very woman’s vagina is going to be slightly different. The taste is also
going to be different depending on who’s tasting it and their taste buds.” So
don’t stress about it unless you have a reason to, like a particularly strong
or pungent smell. And if that happens, see your doctor, don’t just stock up on
Your vagina is a mucus surface,
same as the inside of your mouth, so the better hydrated you are, the better
hydrated those membranes are going to be,” Lindsay explained. And while some
strong-smelling foods can translate into a stronger-smelling vagina, water can
help bring things back to whatever is normal for you. “If you’re concerned, you
can drink water and that can dilute out what you might perceive to be a bad
smell from the food,” Lindsay said.
Finally, according to Dr.
Lindsay, keep in mind that there’s only so much any one food can do. “Broadly,
as long as you’re generally physically healthy, you should have a healthy
vagina. But if you have specific concerns about your vagina, be sure to see your
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