31 August, 2015

P-Square Escapes Death Whiskers In A Ghastly Auto-crash

Popular pop twin singers, Peter and Paul Okoye widely known as P-Square on Sunday escaped death in an accident that caused great horror and fear along the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway.
During their return journey from a staged concert in Ibadan, the very impressive duo suffered a crash while in their ox-blood coloured Range Rover Sport Jeep.

Peter narrated on Instagram how they were divinely saved from an oncoming lorry who ramped on their vehicle as they returned home from the show while in the company of Papi J Ameh, their lead drummer and assistant manager.
In his words, Peter said: “Fans pls help us thank God. Myself @rudeboypsquare @papiijameh and our assistant manager @wandoskie had an accident early hours of today on our way back from a show in Ibadan. Along Lagos-Ibadan Express Road. A Lorry hit and dragged us for over 12 seconds. But Our Lord and Our God is always faithful and quick to show Mercy. Thank God we survived.”


  The ox blood Range Rover Sport Jeep belonging to P-Square
Photo Credit: Instagram

The vehicle being towed

Source: The Vanguard

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