24 April, 2015

Smartwatches You Should Know About

With confirmation from a company exec that Samsung will formally unveil its Galaxy Gear smartwatch in just a few days’ time, the tech world is whipping itself into a fervor at the thought of what the South Korean electronics giant will unveil.

Likewise, Apple’s much-rumored and never-spotted ‘iWatch’ has been reported to be unveiled as soon as later this year but there’s no guarantee that it actually will be. So let’s take a look at some of the smartwatches you can already buy, some trying to break into the market and some that are just rumors right now.


The Apple iWatch is one of the most rumored products in Apple’s recent history. However, despite all the reports of its development, we still know very little about what it could look like and exact functionality that could be on board. Obviously, we’d expect it to be able to take care of most of the usual second-screen companion features we’d want in a smart watch (notifications, calls, texts, email etc.) but what it will do to go above and beyond other devices on the market already is yet to be seen.
Even the name itself could cause a bit of a problem, as iWatch is already a registered trademark for non-Apple owned companies in the UK and US. That said, Apple has already trademarked the iWatch name in several other countries.
Apple’s unlikely to be the only big name manufacturer planning a smartwatch and reports that LG and Motorola will be planning new models have also done the rounds in recent months.
Now leaving rumorville
With one giant (and a couple of smaller) unicorns on the horizon taken care of, it’s time to take a look at efforts from other camps, like the Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects of the world. Some you’ll know, some you may not. Some got funding, and some did not. But they all have one thing in common: they all want to make watches a whole lot smarter.

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