23 April, 2015

Amazing!!!New App That Shops For You

Shopping these days is easy peasy. You can either buy online if you want to stay in your pajamas or go to a store if you need a sales rep's help. One startup believes it can combine both experiences, though, through a fledgling concierge service called the Operator. The service has been (quietly) in development for the past two years, a brainchild of Uber co-founder Garrett Camp and former Zynga executive Robin Chan, who serves as its CEO. The app's homepage clearly states what it can do with the tag line "Looking for something? Make a request and we'll find it for you." And based on what the startup showed TechCrunch, that's exactly how the service works. 

You fire up the app and send out a text through it detailing the item you're looking for.

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