13 December, 2015

Sambo Dasuki Spoke On How To Curb Corruption In Nigeria Before EFCC Qizzled Him

I saw the picture below on twitter and thought you would like to read the content of the speech of the embattled former NSA adviser earlier this year in Chatham House – United Kingdom captioned : Nigeria’s Insecurity: Insurgency, Corruption, Elections and the Management of Multiple Threats By Mohammed Sambo Dasuki, National Security Adviser
For Nigeria to address the underlying conditions conducive to the spread of violent extremism leading to insurgency, the cancerous menace of corruption must be fought with all elements of its national power. In order to build badly needed infrastructure, put our children in schools, ignite economic activities and accelerate upward mobility for a majority of our people we must address elite greed and weak institutions that make it impossible for national resources to be applied appropriately.
Corruption must also be seen by the international community as a threat to international security and take even stricter measures to make it difficult for corrupt people to enjoy the proceeds of illegitimate earnings. There is a link between terrorism financing and weak international financial systems that allow the movement of stolen resources.
Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty around the world. It occurs at all levels of society from local and national governments, civil society, judiciary functions, large and small businesses, to the military and other services.
 In Nigeria, much attention has been paid to the issue of corruption, especially in government establishments. However not much attention has been given to the efforts of successive governments to address the issue. It is to the credit of the successive administrations in Nigeria, since 1999, that many institutions have been established to deal with corruption especially within government circles and private businesses.
Read full presentation

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