15 December, 2015

Kim Kardashian Turns Her Son's Placenta Into Tablets To Use For Energy

Kim Kardashian who had recently been delivered of a baby boy has revealed on her website that she had her son’s placenta made into pills for her. She said in a post on her website from the desk of EATING MY PLACENTA. She went ahead to recommend the process for anyone considering it. Read her post after the cut…..

'So, I'm really not this holistic person or someone who would have ever considered eating my placenta, ‘And when I say "eat my placenta," I mean that I'm having it freeze-dried and made into a pill form- not actually fry it like a steak and eat it (which some people do, BTW).''I thought, why not try it? What do I have to lose?'
'I really didn't want the baby blues and thought I can't go wrong with taking a pill made of my own hormones- made by me, for me'.

'I started researching and read about so many moms who felt this same way and said the overall healing process was so much easier.' I had great results and felt so energized and didn't have any signs of depression! I definitely had to do it again. 'Every time I take a pill, I feel a surge of energy and feel really healthy and good. I totally recommend it for anyone considering it!'


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