The tiger attack happened at a warehouse within the heart of
the city. The animal had been unaccounted for since the weekend floods
destroyed the facility premises.
The man killed, who was 43, worked during a company based
mostly within the warehouse, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said. Doctors
confirmed he was attacked within the throat and died before reaching the
Experts’ square measure still looking out the warehouse, the
ministry affirmed, adding that earlier reports that the tiger had injured a
second man were idle claims.
The facility administrator same Wednesday said that another
tiger was still missing. It had been unable to substantiate if the creature was
dead or had at large alive.
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili apologized to
the general public, locution he had been misinformed by the zoo's management
once he'd antecedently same there have been no additional dangerous animals on
the run.
City residents were urged to remain inside for their safety
within the immediate aftermath of the floods. Volunteers have since been
serving to town staff with the cleanup operation.