27 May, 2015

Man Covers Himself With 1.1 Million Bees To Set World Record

Wearing only his underpants, Gao Bingguo set a new Guinness World Record after he covered himself with almost 1.1 million bees, collectively weighing 240 pounds.
The 55-year-old beekeeper accomplished the feat Monday morning in Tai'an, China.
Bingguo was stung more than 2,000 times and his body temperature rose to a burning 140 degrees at one point.
Fellow beekeepers started by first placing a number of queen bees on his body to help attract worker bees. Boxes of bees were later dumped at his feet in increasingly large numbers as the bees crawled on his entire body -- except his mouth.

Binguo smoked a cigarette to prevent the bees from swarming his lips

How far can you go to win a world record?