08 May, 2015

Ebola Virus Shows Up In Doctors Eye 3 Months After Discharge

For one Ebola doctor-turned-patient, being discharged with virus-free blood wasn't the end of his brush with the potentially deadly pathogen.
Three months later, the virus was still lingering in his left eyeball, according to a case study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine. The infection baffled doctors when it turned his blue eye green until the infection resolved itself, according to The New York Times. Emory Eye Center said it was not able to provide the photos to ABC News.

The patient was a previously healthy 43-year-old man who was working at an Ebola treatment ward in Sierra Leone when he was diagnosed with Ebola in early September, according to the study. He was flown to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta for treatment, where he spent 12 days on a ventilator and 24 days on dialysis.

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