08 February, 2016

Man Shocked To See His Wife He Hired People To Kill At Funeral He Planned For Her

An Australian woman had the sweetest revenge on her husband when she showed at her own funeral, planned by her husband who had paid to have her killed. 

Noela Rukundo sat in a car outside her funeral and popped out when her husband, Balenga Kalala, appeared. She told the BBC his reaction was priceless. “Is it my eyes?” she recalled him saying. “Is it a ghost?” Surprised! I’m still alive! she replied. Balenga looked terrified and even touched her shoulder to make sure it was real. He started screaming when he realized she was, indeed, alive. “I’m sorry for everything,” he cried. “So let’s talk about that “everything,” shall we? Five days before the funeral, Balenga had hired a team of hit men to kill his wife (and mother of his three kids) while she was in her native Burundi for her stepmother’s funeral. Noela says she was really stressed and depressed by the death of her family member, so she was in bed in a hotel in Burundi after the funeral. Her husband, who was still in Australia, called and told her to go outside for some fresh air. And that’s when a man came at her with a gun.

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